[Pythonmac-SIG] bundlebuilder --standalone not working

Bob Swerdlow rswerdlow at transpose.com
Tue Sep 2 14:52:34 EDT 2003

We have a Macintosh application, built on Python using PyObjC.  It is
intended as a double-clickable application and we want to build it
stand-alone so that the user does not need to do any additional

I have the application building with MacPython 2.3 with PyObjC installed
using the PackageManager and PyXML installed using the PyXML setup.py.   It
runs fine when I build it with
    python buildapp.py build

However, when I run
    python buildapp.py --standalone build
it generates a bunch of warnings (I've appended them below) and when I run
the application, I get this error:
        from xml.sax import saxutils
    ImportError: No module named sax

When I look in the application package, the Frameworks directory includes
the Python.framework/Versions/2.3 directory, but it does NOT have the lib
subdirectory.  I tried copying in that directory manually, but the
application still could not find it - presumably because there is some kind
of path that needs to be set for it.

So, how do I get --standalone to find the rest of these modules and build a
complete application?

Here's the output from "python buildapp.py --standalone build":

Finding module dependencies
bon/Controls.py:11: FutureWarning: hex/oct constants > sys.maxint will
return positive values in Python 2.4 and up
  kDataBrowserClientPropertyFlagsMask = 0xFF000000
Building 'build/Goombah.app'
Copying files
Adding Python modules
Warning: couldn't find the following submodules:
    (Note that these could be false alarms -- it's not always
    possible to distinguish between "from package import submodule"
    and "from package import name")
  ? AppKit.NSAlertAlternateReturn
  ? AppKit.NSAlertDefaultReturn
  ? AppKit.NSApp
  ? AppKit.NSApplicationMain
  ? AppKit.NSBeginAlertSheet
  ? AppKit.NSBeginInformationalAlertSheet
  ? AppKit.NSCancelButton
  ? AppKit.NSGetInformationalAlertPanel
  ? AppKit.NSOKButton
  ? AppKit.NSReleaseAlertPanel
  ? AppKit.NSRunAlertPanel
  ? AppKit.NSRunCriticalAlertPanel
  ? AppKit.NSRunInformationalAlertPanel
  ? AppKit.NSWorkspace
  ? Foundation.NSAppleScript
  ? Foundation.NSData
  ? Foundation.NSDictionary
  ? Foundation.NSInvocation
  ? Foundation.NSLog
  ? Foundation.NSMutableDictionary
  ? Foundation.NSObject
  ? Foundation.NSTimer
  ? Foundation.NSURL
  ? Foundation.NSUserDefaults
  ? objc.selector
  ? objc.set_class_extender
  ? objc.set_signature_for_selector
Warning: couldn't find the following modules:
  ? OverrideFrom23._Res
  ? _xmlrpclib
  ? java.lang
  ? msvcrt
  ? os.path
  ? readline
  ? rourl2path
  ? sgmlop

Many thanks for your help.

Bob Swerdlow
rswerdlow at transpose.com

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