[Pythonmac-SIG] FAQ item

Glenn Andreas gandreas at delver.com
Tue Jul 29 13:18:16 EDT 2003

At 10:00 AM -0700 7/29/03, Israel C. Evans wrote:
>I would love for the PythonIDE to have Syntax coloring..
>The lack of it was the only reason I started down the long path 
>towards becoming familiar with emacs.
>The IDE didn't have syntax coloring, Pythoncard's editor while 
>wonderful was also quite unstable on my machine for some reason, so 
>I eventually found my way to Jedit which is also amazing, but with 
>large files became extremely slow.  Since I could never get my head 
>around the mode switching of Vi and Vim, I set down to learn emacs. 
>Now I'm quite comfortable with it, but I've had to give up the 
>wonderful popups that appear when I'm typing a class or a function 
>that is part of python or has been created in the file as Code 
>Editor or Idle does.  And I don't get the nice integration of the 
>python documentation and such, but at least it works and gives my 
>code pretty colors.
>It's amazing to me that with all the wonderful benefits that the 
>PythonIDE offers, I'm uncomfortable using it just because my code 
>doesn't come in full color.  I think I must be terribly spoiled.

PyOXIDE does syntax coloring (and the next version should work 
correcty with 2.3), but it doesn't have the debugger that PythonIDE 
does (yet - it will soon though).  It is, however, making extremely 
good progress (last night I added a simple module help/documentation 
window that uses pydoc) - it is really amazing how powerful Python + 
PyObjC + Cocoa really is.

Glenn Andreas                      gandreas at delver.com
Author of Macintosh games: Theldrow 2.3, Blobbo 1.0.2, Cythera 1.0.2
Be good, and you will be lonesome

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