[Pythonmac-SIG] Binary installer for MacPython-2.3rc2 available

Jack Jansen Jack.Jansen at cwi.nl
Mon Jul 28 22:38:46 EDT 2003

On maandag, jul 28, 2003, at 19:12 Europe/Amsterdam, Ronald Oussoren 
> 1. As part of the Python core
> 2. As part of the OS vendor packages
> 3. As part of the local site packages

And, actually, the latter can be split again as
3a) As part of the local intranet infrastructure
3b) As part of the local machine infrastructure
3c) By the end-user

Current Apple policy seems to be that 1=/System, 2+3b=/Library, 3a 
should be /Network
but isn't used for Python and 3c=$HOME/Library.

I think it would be a good thing if distutils learnt about this 
division, and my feeling says that teaching distutils is good enough: 
the various other places that currently know about specific filesystem 
locations (such as the main Makefile) could use a distutils-implemented 
policy when there is one.

Actually (thinking out loud here), it's really a question of 
responsibility. The machine is on the users' desk, but many people 
could be responsible for bits and pieces on it: aside from the parties 
mentioned above there could be a turnkey solutions provider, maybe 
multiple levels of network administrators, etc. What distutils would 
need is something like an open-ended configuration where destinations 
could be added. And when destination are added these also need to be 
picked up by sys.path, but also (for include files) by subsequent 
distutils calls for installs at a higher level ("higher" with the 
definition of end-user topmost), etc.

Should we take this to the distutils SIG? Should we write a PEP?
- Jack Jansen        <Jack.Jansen at oratrix.com>        
http://www.cwi.nl/~jack -
- If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 
Goldman -

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