[Pythonmac-SIG] Additional binary packages for Python2.3rc1 on 10.2.6

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Wed Jul 23 23:13:52 EDT 2003

I've setup a repository for several packages that I use that aren't in 
jack's list yet, or weren't compiled correctly for the non-fink user.

The Package Manager URL is:

I couldn't find what jack has been using to build binary packages, so I 
wrote one that makes it easy.  It's at:

Usage of makepimp is:
	makepimp.py modulename versionnumber

It spits out a plist template of what you'd paste into the package 
manager file.

If you use it, you'll want to change HTTPBASE and UPLOADCMD up at the 

modulename must already be installed in your site-packages, I have not 
tested userdir installation, but it works for me.

The packages I have up so far are:
	readline 2.3c1
	PIL 1.1.4 (with static libjpeg support, no tkinter support)
	egenix-mx-base 2.0.4
	ctypes 0.6.2

I'll be adding more sometime (primarily: bsddb3, pyPgSQL, pygame, 
twisted), but the others I commonly use have non-python dependencies 
and I'm too lazy to write the detection stuff for all of them at the 
moment :)  I may also add source installers and panther dp versions, 
but that's a lower priority since my primary machine is OS X 10.2.6.

I don't like the current "you have to go fetch this dependency" way of 
doing things, so I'll probably end up writing some python-based 
installers for libraries like SDL, Tcl/Tk, BerkeleyDB, PostgreSQL, etc. 
that will download the binary from somewhere and install, or at least 
open up the .pkg for you.


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