[Pythonmac-SIG] New MacPython-OSX 2.3a1 binary

Francois Granger francois.granger@free.fr
Fri, 31 Jan 2003 13:22:16 +0100

At 20:18 -0800 30/01/2003, in message Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] New 
MacPython-OSX 2.3a1 binary, Robin Dunn wrote:
>RootVolumeOnly directive to the package info file since somebody 
>mentioned troubles putting it on other volumes.

The directive works. It forbid install on anything else that system volume.
It is me. I said in a previous message:
>One remark, the package MacPython-OSX-2.3a1-2.dmg does not work if it
>is installed on another disk than the one with the system. The links
>in /usr/local/bin are not created, neither pythonw.

>Does anybody else see this problem?  Does anybody know a way to fix 
>it besides removing the RootVolumeOnly?

Downloaded and installed. It did an update.

There is a new IDLE program in the Application/MacPython-2.3 folder. 
I doubleclicked it and it launch and quit.

I tried to run the script wich gave me this problem, pop3proxy.py 
from the spambayes project. Error below. I retested with a smaller 
script. the line:

dbm = bsddb.hashopen('/Volumes/OS99/spambayesdev/hammie.db', 'r')

give the same error. I don't know who is concerned with this.

[fbg:/Volumes/OS99/spambayesdev] fgranger% which python
[fbg:/Volumes/OS99/spambayesdev] fgranger% python -v pop3proxy.py

import bsddb # directory 
import bsddb # precompiled from 
import _bsddb # dynamically loaded from 
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "pop3proxy.py", line 1557, in ?
   File "pop3proxy.py", line 1531, in run
   File "pop3proxy.py", line 1145, in createWorkers
     self.bayes = storage.DBDictClassifier( \
   File "/Volumes/OS99/spambayesdev/spambayes/storage.py", line 140, in __init__
   File "/Volumes/OS99/spambayesdev/spambayes/storage.py", line 148, in load
     self.dbm = dbmstorage.open(self.db_name, self.mode)
   File "/Volumes/OS99/spambayesdev/spambayes/dbmstorage.py", line 54, in open
     return f(*args)
   File "/Volumes/OS99/spambayesdev/spambayes/dbmstorage.py", line 17, 
in open_dbhash
     return bsddb.hashopen(*args)
line 162, in hashopen
     d.open(file, _db.DB_HASH, flags, mode)
bsddb._db.DBInvalidArgError: (22, 'Invalid argument -- memp_fopen: 
page sizes must be a power-of-2')

Recently using MacOSX.......