[Pythonmac-SIG] import errors...

Jonah Crawford jonah@urban.net
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 12:42:48 -0500

I compiled both the PyXML package and the pygoogle packages on my 
10.2.3 box. When I import any of the modules it first traces to an 
import error then when I try again it executes the import. What have I 
done improperly during the compiling that it doesn't load correctly the 
first time around? Any suggestions?

thanks in advance -j

---->>> import SOAP
----Traceback (most recent call last):
----  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
----  File "/usr/bin/Python-2.2.1/Lib/SOAP.py", line 89, in ?
----    import cgi
----  File "/usr/bin/Python-2.2.1/Lib/cgi.py", line 39, in ?
----    import urllib
----  File "/usr/bin/Python-2.2.1/Lib/urllib.py", line 26, in ?
----    import socket
----  File "/usr/bin/Python-2.2.1/Lib/socket.py", line 41, in ?
----    from _socket import *
----ImportError: No module named _socket
---->>> import SOAP