[Pythonmac-SIG] SciPy-0.2.0

Leighton Pritchard lep@aber.ac.uk
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 20:43:51 +0100

At 15:04 21/04/2003 +0930, you wrote:
>On Sunday, April 20, 2003, at 07:02  AM, Willard Myers wrote:
>>On Friday, Apr 18, 2003, at 00:35 America/New_York, Andrew Straw wrote:
>>>I've got scipy working just fine on my mac os x box.  I'm using 
>>>MacPython 2.3a2 and a recent CVS checkout of scipy.
>>Thanks! It helps to know that it is doable.
>>If you have a moment, I'd like to know how you dealt with building the 
>>fortran source, and whether or not you found a way to use Apple's BLAS 
>>and LAPACK libraries in the vecLib framework?
>That's funny -- I asked the same thing on the SciPy list several months 
>ago.  It seems like a good idea, but IIRC the scipy folks wrap fortran, 
>and I think the apple stuff is CLAPACK.  Still, although I'm not an expert 
>on this stuff and haven't done any benchmarking, I've been using ATLAS, 
>which seems fast.  I used fink to install atlas, etc (and even a version 
>of python that I never use), and then I compiled scipy from CVS after 
>creating (from a default copy sitting nearby) 
>scipy_core/scipy_distutils/site.cfg and adding /sw/lib and /sw/include to 
>the [DEFAULT] section.
>It's worth it.

Hi there,

I'm having real difficulties getting SciPy going on OS X 10.2. I've tried 
compiling from two different source downloads and the most recent CVS 
checkout. I have ATLAS, FFTW from Fink, and wxPython from a source build.

I for one would be very grateful if you could give a walkthrough of what 
you did to get SciPy up-and-running on your machine.

All the best,

Dr Leighton Pritchard AMRSC
T44, Cledwyn Building, Institute of Biological Sciences
University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK, SY23 3DD
lep@aber.ac.uk                  (01970) 622353
PGP key 47B4A485: http://www.keyserver.net http://pgp.mit.edu/