[Pythonmac-SIG] Pyton with Tkinter on MacOS X; I give up

Russell E Owen owen@astro.washington.edu
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 12:35:03 -0700

OK, I've been defeated. I installed tcl 8.3.4 easily enough (using 
the unix installer), ending with % sudo make install. It all ran 
fine. But the unix installer for tk 8.3.4 croaked near the end of the 
make--it can't seem to find any of the tcl symbols.

cc -dynamiclib -prebind  -o libtk8.3.dylib tk3d.o tkArgv.o tkAtom.o 
tkBind.o tkBitmap.o tkClipboard.o tkCmds.o tkColor.o tkConfig.o 
tkConsole.o tkCursor.o tkError.o tkEvent.o tkFocus.o tkFont.o tkGet.o 
tkGC.o tkGeometry.o tkGrab.o tkGrid.o tkMain.o tkObj.o tkOldConfig.o 
tkOption.o tkPack.o tkPlace.o tkSelect.o tkUtil.o tkVisual.o 
tkWindow.o tkUnix.o tkUnix3d.o tkUnixButton.o tkUnixColor.o 
tkUnixConfig.o tkUnixCursor.o tkUnixDraw.o tkUnixEmbed.o 
tkUnixEvent.o tkUnixFocus.o tkUnixFont.o tkUnixInit.o tkUnixKey.o 
tkUnixMenu.o tkUnixMenubu.o tkUnixScale.o tkUnixScrlbr.o 
tkUnixSelect.o tkUnixSend.o tkUnixWm.o tkUnixXId.o tkStubInit.o 
tkStubLib.o tkButton.o tkEntry.o tkFrame.o tkListbox.o tkMenu.o 
tkMenubutton.o tkMenuDraw.o tkMessage.o tkScale.o tkScrollbar.o 
tkCanvas.o tkCanvArc.o tkCanvBmap.o tkCanvImg.o tkCanvLine.o 
tkCanvPoly.o tkCanvPs.o tkCanvText.o tkCanvUtil.o tkCanvWind.o 
tkRectOval.o tkTrig.o tkImage.o tkImgBmap.o tkImgGIF.o tkImgPPM.o 
tkImgPhoto.o tkText.o tkTextBTree.o tkTextDisp.o tkTextImage.o 
tkTextIndex.o tkTextMark.o tkTextTag.o tkTextWind.o 
ld: warning prebinding disabled because of undefined symbols
ld: Undefined symbols:
...semi-infinitely long list of _Tcl_... crap

The tcl stuff is in /usr/local/lib:
% ls -l /usr/local/lib
total 2536
-rw-r--r--    1 root  wheel   69648 Sep 13 14:49 libhistory.a
-rw-r--r--    1 root  wheel  604124 Sep 13 14:49 libreadline.a
-r-xr-xr-x    1 root  wheel  603504 Sep 16 12:16 libtcl8.3.dylib
-rw-r--r--    1 root  wheel    1568 Sep 16 12:16 libtclstub8.3.a
drwxr-xr-x  520 root  wheel   17680 Sep 13 16:03 python2.2
drwxr-xr-x   19 root  wheel     646 Sep 16 12:16 tcl8.3
-rw-r--r--    1 root  wheel    6733 Sep 16 12:16 tclConfig.sh

Maybe this is that hideous namespace depth problem folks were 
complaining about earlier or maybe I'm clueless on unix or...

I also tried building the 8.4 macosx projects. No README so it was 
blind, but opening the project and building the targets in turn 
(Configure, Make and Tcl) acted as if it worked. But no sign of 
anything in /usr/local and trying to do the same for tk croaked right 
away--no sign of the tcl stuff it needed.

I have more admiration all the time for the fink folks (and of course 
for Jack Jensen, with MacPython 2.3 that will have a real installer). 
I knew they the fink folks were saving us from downloading a bunch of 
miscellaneous source code and doing the ./configure, make, sudo make 
install dance with it, but clearly it goes way beyond that.

(Also, for those who haven't been following, I already tried to get 
Python 2.2.1 to build as a framework with the 8.4a4 framework version 
of tcl/tk, but that also failed to find a bunch of needed files. 
Apparently using the CVS version of Python may fix that.)

I guess I'll wait until the fink folks compile a binary of Python or 
2.3 is available. I'm sure sorry I ever upgraded to 10.2.

-- Russell