[Pythonmac-SIG] threads in OSX IDLE

Michael Hudson mwh@python.net
08 Jul 2002 15:08:58 +0100

Jeff Senn <senn@maya.com> writes:

> Jack Jansen <Jack.Jansen@cwi.nl> writes:
> > Tk is deinitely not threadsafe. At least, it wasn't the last time I
> > examined it. So this may well be your problem.
> >
> > Maybe you should ask the Idle folks (there's a couple of people
> > working on it) how feasible it is to create a threadsafe Idle.
> Alternatively, (and I apologize for my lack of MacOS X Python knowlege)
> is there some way to run python with stdio to/from a terminal and still
> be able to use the TK Framework?

Tkinter works from fink's Python under X, which perhaps isn't the most
helpful of answers...

Don't recall installing an aqua version of Tk yet.


  The gripping hand is really that there are morons everywhere, it's
  just that the Americon morons are funnier than average.
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