[Pythonmac-SIG] Step-by-step howto for testing new Mach{ho}Python architecture

Dan Grassi dan@grassi.org
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 08:39:34 -0400

I suggest including the syntax coloring into the IDE.  Syntax coloring 
is now expected and it can be disabled easily.  I would be willing to do 
the work.

Also the default font need to change or be installed.  Not all fonts 
handle bold-ing and with the default missing a font that does not work 
ends up as default.

As I recall the one issue is that the code does not handle triple quotes 
correctly in all instances.  Another is the time to initially color the 
text and the blinking while that is being done.


On Sunday, August 4, 2002, at 04:56 PM, Jack Jansen wrote:
> On zondag, augustus 4, 2002, at 08:56 , Donovan Preston wrote:
>> By the way, Jack or Just, how come this functionality was never 
>> incorporated
>> into the base IDE? It has some funny behavior, but syntax coloring 
>> alone is
>> totally worth it...
> I vaguely remember that Just didn't like it, but I'm not really sure 
> (not even _what_ he didn't like, the idea or the implementation). I 
> used to hate syntax coloring too (having only been exposed to the 
> abysmal color and font schemes thought up by Unix hackers), but the 
> subtle and useable coloring done by BBEdit and CodeWarrior changed my 
> mind.