[Pythonmac-SIG] MacPython 2.1 released

Richard Blumberg richard@blumberg.org
Wed, 2 May 2001 10:32:09 -0400

I just installed 2.1 final release, ran ConfigurePythonCarbon, started 
PythonInterpreter, and imported test.autotest.

I got two failurs, test_asynchat and test_socket. The latter, I assume 
from previous posts, is because reverse lookup is not configured. The 
error message for test_asynchat is:

> test_asynchat
> The actual stdout doesn't match the expected stdout.
> This much did match (between asterisk lines):
> **********************************************************************
> test_asynchat
> Connected
> **********************************************************************
> Then ...
> We expected (repr): "Received: 'hello world'\n"
> But instead we got: "error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel 
> <echo_client connected at 1258c90> (socket.error:(22, 'Invalid argument') 
> [arjuna:applications:python 2.1:lib:asynchat.py|handle_read|82] 
> [arjuna:applications:python 2.1:lib:asyncore.py|recv|349])"
> The actual stdout doesn't match the expected stdout.
> This much did match (between asterisk lines):
> **********************************************************************
> test_asynchat
> Connected
> **********************************************************************
> Then ...
> We expected (repr): ''
> But instead we got: ' '
> test test_asynchat failed -- Writing: ' ', expected: ''

Also, if I open Terminal and try to run Python from the command line, with 
'/Applications/Python\ 2.1/PythonInterpreter', I get the following error:

> /Applications/Python 2.1/PythonInterpreter: unmatched ` [1]

Is it possible to run MacPython from the command line? What I'd like to do 
is settle on this single version of Python, set up a symbolic link to 
'/Applications/Python\ 2.1/PythonInterpreter' at /usr/bin/python, and use 
MacPython for my cgi testing.
