[Pythonmac-SIG] PythonMac vs Python Unix for Mac OSX cgi

Benjamin Golinvaux golinvaux@benjamin.net
Thu, 29 Mar 2001 17:35:33 +0200

The recipe to succesfully build Python 2.0 on OSX is at :


The modifications are needed mostly because of the case-unsensitive
aspect of HFS+ (how about UFS ???)

It worked fine for me using the standard source tree

It seems support for OSX is still better in 2.1b...

Hope this helps.

BTW, I also succeded installing SWIG on MacOSX by modifying the
SWIG folder to _SWIG and patching the various makefiles accordingly...

Benjamin Golinvaux
Arboretum Systems, Inc.

On Thursday, March 29, 2001, at 03:43 PM, Richard Blumberg wrote:

> -- I just installed OS X, and I was wondering if anyone has had 
> experience compiling Python 2.1 (not PythonMac) under BSD Unix on an X 
> system.
> Since Apple is using Apache for personal web sharing on X, it strikes 
> me that I could test the Python CGI scripts on my X system - something 
> I couldn't do without some contortions under system 9, using PythonMac. 
> My hosting service (Pair Networks - I recommend them) has Python 2 
> installed on their FreeBSD servers.
> I could just go ahead and try, and I will; but if I can get some advice 
> and guidance from someone who's been there, it's likely to be a more 
> successful trial and a quicker road to success.
> Thanks.
> Richard
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