import os.path error (was Re: [Pythonmac-SIG] W section)

Just van Rossum
Mon, 12 Mar 2001 18:55:19 +0100

At 11:00 AM -0500 12-03-2001, Richard Blumberg wrote:
>'import os.path' works the same on my Mac and on my webserver
>(running freeBSD, python v. 2.0). That is, it imports the os module,
>entire, including the path module contained within the os module. In
>other words, on both platforms, 'import os' and 'import os.path' seem
>to have identical results. Not quite what I'd have expected, but not
>inconsistent between platforms.

If I recall correctly, this was actually added as a feature quite a while
ago: os isn't _really_ a package, but some sort of hack (?) was added to
make it _looks_ like a package, exactly for the purpose that "import
os.path" works.


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