[Pythonmac-SIG] ftplib performance

Ben Edwards Ben@widemedia.com
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 15:08:37 +0100

I have a big performance problem with a script I have written using ftplib=
 on my Mac. When I use the storlines method of an ftp object, the file=
 transfers up to 50 times slower than via my ftp client, or a similar script=
 running on a Linux machine. I am assuming that this is due to the=
 cumulative overhead of passing loads of small transfers back and forth (if=
 I use storbinary, with 8k chunks, it goes much quicker), but it may be=
 because I've overlooked something.

I am using Python 1.5.2 for this job because 2.1 seems to have another=
 problem with ftp: I get illegal port errors from the server which appears=
 to be unable to read my IP address correctly.

tia for any advice,