[Pythonmac-SIG] blocksize problem? (ftplib) [Resend]

JoanCarles p Casasín joanca@typerware.com
Thu, 2 Mar 2000 16:42:09 +0100

Jack Jansen wrote:

>Are you sure the problem isn't with a funny file and/or a funny ftp server?

I'm not sure "funny" is the word I feel ;)

The file seems ok. If I upload it by hand (using Anarchie), It does well.

>I've been using ftplib for uploading on the Mac with no problems (although I 
>didn't use storbinary() but transfercmd()/write()-loop) for quite some time.

How can I do it using transfercmd()?

>You could try putting some debug prints in ftplib.FTP.storbinary() just to 
>that your whole file is indeed read.

You mean inside the ftplib source file (and throwing away the .pyc)?

>Then possibly you could try ftping to a 
>different ftp-server to see that the problem isn't there.

I've tried to another server and seems to work !!??
The same file, the same everything (excepting server).

Also with the first server, worked fine with a small file. The one I'm 
sending (though html) is bigger.

Again sorry if any question is too basic. I am too.
(and sorry Jack, I sent you by mistake this message uncomplete)



