[Pythonmac-SIG] blocksize problem? (ftplib)

JoanCarles p Casasín joanca@typerware.com
Wed, 1 Mar 2000 16:56:40 +0100

Hi you all,

I'm trying to upload an html file to a remote server via FTP.
It works pretty well (thanks to Erik, mainly :) but I've only a little 
problem. The file, once is in the server is cut. Some of the last lines 
are lost (including the closing tag </html>).
Here's the script.

		import ftplib
		serveraddress = 'www.xxx.com'
		ftp = ftplib.FTP(serveraddress)
		ftp.login('xxx', 'xxx')						# or ftp.login() if you're anonymous
		print ftp.getwelcome()

		#the path to the local file you want to transfer		
		path = outputf_path
		f = open(path, 'rb')

      #print f.read() gives you the whole document data,
     # so the problem should be below.
		# the name the document should have on the server
		docname = 'default.html'
#Erik guessed maybe has to do with the block size
#I've also tried 512, 2048 and 4096 and still missing
#something, different each time.						
		ftp.storbinary('STOR '+ docname, f, 1024)




