[Pythonmac-SIG] First Carbon version of MacPython checked into CVS

John W Baxter jwblist@olympus.net
Fri, 2 Jun 2000 16:21:12 -0700

Thanks, Jack:  good job!

At 0:39 +0200 6/3/2000, Jack Jansen wrote:
>- No time given to background processes from within the mainloop. I
>  used to call SystemTask for this, but it is gone. Again, any ideas
>  are welcome. Preferrably cheap ideas, calling WaitNextEvent with a 0
>  timeout is not something I would like to have in the interpreter
>  mainloop (unless it has gotten very cheap).

How about once every n times through the main loop?  This will give varying
performance for background tasks, but that's better than no performance, I
think.  (And if you go to the background, not doing this call will cause
unfortunate effects.)

>It'll also be less work in the long run (as the accessor
>functions are bgen-generated and the attribute access is hand-coded),
>but it'll mean conversion of lots of Python code in the short
>run. Opinions, please.

It's probably better to bite the bullet now, rather than spreading the pain
over time.  But then, that's easy for me to say:  I don't have any affected
old code.  I'm not sure I agree with myself regarding the as_XXX() methods,
but I probably do.

>Let me end with a plea: I could really use some help on this. Getting
>this far has already been a serious effort (for which I didn't really
>have the time in the first place:-), but I think that if we can get a
>carbonized MacPython out there quickly it may be a tremendous boost to
>Python's visibility in the Mac community.

Probably...the Mac person who is interested in Python is likely also to
rush out and obtain beta Mac OS X this summer.

(That doesn't describe me:  I don't have the hardware to run it, and
probably won't be buying any until the real Mac OS X is out and I decide
whether to go to it or jump ship (to Linux on Intel).  If the beta is
really compelling (or repelling), I could decide "early.")

   --John (who isn't sure about several aspects of the Mac OS X user interface)
John Baxter   jwblist@olympus.net      Port Ludlow, WA, USA