[Pythonmac-SIG] Building Mac Python from source

Dave Abrahams abrahams@mediaone.net
Sat, 01 Jan 2000 23:02:48 -0500

From Mac/Demo/building.html in the Mac distribution:

"This document explains how to build MacPython from source. This is
necessary if you want to write extension modules for 68K Python, and is also
necessary if you want to make modifications to the Python core. Building
Python is not something to be undertaken lightly, you need a reasonable
working knowledge of the CodeWarrior development environment, a good net
connection and probably quite some time too.
The information density in this file is high, so you should probably print
it and read it at your leasure. Most things are explained only once (and
                       ^^^^^^^ [sic]
probably in the wrong place:-).
I am very interested in feedback on this document, send your comments to the
Mac Python Special Interest Group. "

Since you're interested in feedback: the distribution can't be built
out-of-the-box with any of the last 3 revisions of CodeWarrior (we're up to
Pro5.3, now). This is problematic for an open-source project, since old
versions of CodeWarrior can't be bought ;)
