[Pythonmac-SIG] recursion problem

Gordon Worley redbird@rbisland.cx
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 15:10:04 -0500

At 9:48 PM -0500 12/10/2000, Richard Gordon wrote:
>	<li>L0file
>	<li>L0file
>	<ul>Level1folder
>		<li>L1file
>		<ul>Level2folder
>			<li>L2file
>			<li>L2file
>		</ul>
>		<li>L1file
>	</ul>

You have made an error in your HTML.  UL is a container, and those 
can contain other elements, but not actual text to be displayed.  The 
code should read something like this:


This may be the source of your problem, depending on the rendering 
engine you use.  Even if it is not, good HTML is always important.
Gordon Worley
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