[Pythonmac-SIG] Fonts...

Corran Webster cwebster@nevada.edu
Fri, 7 Apr 2000 14:25:14 -0700

At 5:09 PM -0700 8/4/00, A.R. Goldman wrote:
>   Greetings:
> I have recently joined the world of Python, and have even more recently
> joined the world of Mac (and am oh so happy to say good-bye to my PC...)
> but I have discovered one slight difficulty with the PythonMac IDE.
> The fonts are small, and I have been unable to find a way to increase
> either the interactive window, or the text editor fonts. I'm a bit
> near-sighted, and prefer larger fonts if I'm working on a project for
> any length of time... I realize that this question is quite elementary;
> but if anyone on the list could point out what I'm no doubt missing,
> I'd be most grateful...

You can globally change the fonts that the editor and interactive windows
use via the

Python -> Preferences -> Editor default settings...

menu item.  You can change the font used in the window dressing via the

Python -> Preferences -> Set default window font...

menu item.  This may make the buttons in the editor window look funny, though.

You can change the font a particular editor window uses via the popup menu
in the top right corner of the editor (above the vertical scroll bar) by
selecting "Font Settings..." from that menu.

You can also change the default system font (used for menu items and window
titles) to something bigger via the standard macintosh Appearance control

Hopefully this should allow you to arrange things to suit your requirements.
