[Pythonmac-SIG] Re: [Mailman-Users] MailMan or Pipermail bug or just pilot error?

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us (Barry A. Warsaw)
Tue, 28 Dec 1999 19:17:15 -0500 (EST)

>>>>> "SM" == Skip Montanaro <skip@mojam.com> writes:

    SM> I just joined the PythonMac SIG and decided to browse the list
    SM> archives.  I noticed that the most recent archives at

    SM>     http://www.python.org/pipermail/pythonmac-sig/

    SM> show 2009-December as the current month.  Since this rollover
    SM> stuff happens automatically my presumption is it's a bug in
    SM> either MailMan or Pipermail.

Actually what's happening is that Pipermail believes the Date: field
given in the original message.  Take a look at the flat text file and
you'll see that fkawasak's message contains the bogus date (maybe he
was playing y2k conformance testing).

The lists have an option to ignore the Date: claim and use the date
when Mailman resends it.  Assuming that works, maybe it should be the
default.  I doubt anybody ever changes it (I surely haven't for any of
my lists).
