[PYTHONMAC-SIG] plplot module

Rob Managan managan@llnl.gov
Tue, 15 Oct 1996 10:40:22 +0100

I have been working on the Mac version of the plplot module. I have a
library that works fine in a C program. It seems to work fine in Python as
well. The problem is that after the python script is done and I quit the
interpreter that I drop into the debugger with the message

PowerPC unmapped memory exception at FFD60E6C PtInRect+0008

Any ideas of what went wrong? How could plplot be messing up?

I logged some Macsbugs results and got this:

 Disassembling PowerPC code from FFD60E44
     +00018 FFD60E44   addic      r3,r3,0x0004               | 30630004
     +0001C FFD60E48   lwz        r4,0x0038(SP)              | 80810038
     +00020 FFD60E4C   lwz        r5,0x003C(SP)              | 80A1003C
     +00024 FFD60E50   bl         MapPt         ; 0xFFD60D54 | 4BFFFF05
     +00028 FFD60E54   lwz        r12,0x0048(SP)             | 81810048
     +0002C FFD60E58   addic      SP,SP,0x0040               | 30210040
     +00030 FFD60E5C   mtlr       r12           ; LR = 0x0008 | 7D8803A6
     +00034 FFD60E60   blr                                   | 4E800020
     +00000 FFD60E64   li         r0,0x0000                  | 38000000
     +00004 FFD60E68   sth        r0,0x0D6E(0)               | B0000D6E
     +00008 FFD60E6C  *lha        r5,0x0000(r4)              | A8A40000
     +0000C FFD60E70   srawi      r6,r3,0x10                 | 7C668670
     +00010 FFD60E74   cmpw       r6,r5                      | 7C062800
     +00014 FFD60E78   lha        r5,0x0004(r4)              | A8A40004
     +00018 FFD60E7C   stw        r3,0x0018(SP)              | 90610018
     +0001C FFD60E80   cmpw       cr1,r6,r5                  | 7C862800
     +00020 FFD60E84   bge        PtInRect+0002C; 0xFFD60E90 | 4080000C
     +00024 FFD60E88   clrlwi     r3,r0,0x18                 | 5403063E
     +00028 FFD60E8C   blr                                   | 4E800020

 Calling chain using A6/R1 links
  Back chain  ISA  Caller
  00000000    PPC  0557E218
  04384F80    PPC  0557E178
  04384F40    PPC  0593A964  PyMac_InitApplication+00088
  04384DF0    PPC  0593B18C  Py_Main+00270
  04384D80    PPC  0590746C  PyRun_AnyFile+0004C
  04384D40    PPC  059075A8  PyRun_InteractiveLoop+000E8
  04384CF0    PPC  059076C8  PyRun_InteractiveOne+000D0
  04384C80    PPC  05907068  PyParser_ParseFile+00090
  04384C30    PPC  05907114  parsetok+0006C
  04384BC0    PPC  058EB6B4  PyTokenizer_Get+00054
  04384B60    PPC  058EAF9C  tok_nextc+000F0
  04384B00    PPC  058F5484  PyOS_Readline+00080
  04384AB0    PPC  058F5380  my_fgets+00028
  04384A70    PPC  059621B4  fgets+000CC
  04384A20    PPC  05963958  _Frprep+0010C
  043849E0    PPC  0596AF10  _Fread+00024
  043849A0    PPC  05948B3C  read+000A8
  04384950    PPC  0595EA34  SIOUXSocket::read(void*, int)+00030
  04384910    PPC  0596CAA0  ReadCharsFromConsole+00130
  043848B0    PPC  0595F9BC  exit+00068
  04384860    PPC  0595FA04  _exit+00024
  04384810    PPC  059787D8  __destroy_global_chain+0002C
  043847D0    PPC  0594AA6C  SocketTable::~SocketTable()+00044
  04384780    PPC  0595F7E4  fwalk+00040
  04384730    PPC  05961D9C  fclose+00040
  043846E0    PPC  059431F8  free+00040
  04384690    PPC  05942F3C  botch+00020
  04384650    PPC  0596241C  fprintf+0003C
  04384610    PPC  05965B00  _Printf+000A8
  04384540    PPC  059623AC  fopen+00110
  04384500    PPC  05962AFC  fwrite+00134
  043844A0    PPC  05961F8C  fflush+0009C
  04384450    PPC  0596B040  _Fwrite+000B4
  04384400    PPC  05949070  write+0005C
  043843B0    PPC  0594B140  GUSIDefaultSpin+001C8

Rob Managan       mailto://managan@llnl.gov
LLNL                      ph:  510-423-0903
P.O. Box 808, L-178       FAX: 510-423-5804
Livermore, CA  94551-0808

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