[Pythonedu-wg] How can you help Python in education today?

Stewart Watkiss stewart at penguintutor.com
Wed Jul 13 06:32:31 EDT 2016

All good points being raised - it's good to see some momentum on this 

My book is now published and in the shops (Amazon etc.) so I've got a 
bit more time to spend on this again.

Last week gave a talk to STEM ambassadors and Teachers in Worcestershire 
about the micro:bit.
The presentation slides (see link below), covers all 4 "official" 
programming languages, but I did have a slight bias towards MicroPython 
Also the two examples: Disco Lights and micro:bit controller for a 
Raspberry Pi robot were both Python projects from the micro:bit world 
I'll be demonstrating the robot at the Warwickshire Raspberry Jam if 
anyone is in the area next week:

The demonstrations are not newbie friendly at the moment. I only had a 
micro:bit for 1 week. I have now got one on loan for a few weeks and
I'm hoping to do more with the micro:bit once my pre-order arrives later 
this month? / next month?? / sometime this year ???

> This is a great blog by a teacher in Bath who I believe is on this 
> mailing list. I'm sure she can give you a list, but to start with here 
> is the post I was referring to.

That blog does raise some very good points, some of which I mentioned on 
this list previously.
Some of the these we are making progress towards a solution (Reminder: 
I'm still willing to help with the Python build). I've been using the 
Python build on my Windows machine when I've needed to quickly look 
something up (vs starting up a Virtual Machine - or working directly on 
my primary Linux laptop).

Nicholas - The education website sounds a great idea. Please let me know 
if there is anything I can do to help.

I'd also agree with the the comment about educators that need help. 
There are many on this list that would be happy to help out if you have 
something you are stuck with, or just want some general advice.


Stewart Watkiss
Author of Learn Electronics with Raspberry Pi

@stewartwatkiss @penguintutor

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