[Python.NET] Python for .NET load .dll

Gianni Iannelli giannicristian at msn.com
Mon Jun 8 17:59:21 CEST 2015

Thanks! Is it working now! I think I have done some error trying different way of backslash and similar. I have added to the sys.path the folder where the libraries are (path without ending slash), and then, add. Now it's working.
Thank you very much

From: tony at pyxll.com
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2015 15:22:33 +0000
To: pythondotnet at python.org
Subject: Re: [Python.NET] Python for .NET load .dll


I seem to remember some problems possibly related to this... those binaries you've found are quite old now. As a first set I would recommend checking out the latest source from github and building the pythonnet binaries yourself. It should be as simple as running "python setup.py install" (or bdist_wheel/bdist_egg to build the wheel/egg if you prefer).
The git repo is here: https://github.com/pythonnet/pythonnet/Or if you are using python 3 use this one: https://github.com/renshawbay/pythonnet
Best regards,Tony

On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 4:10 PM Brian Lloyd <brian.d.lloyd at gmail.com> wrote:
You probably need to escape those backslashes, no? e.g. 
'C:\\Program Files\\API\\Test.NET'
On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 3:44 AM, Gianni Iannelli <giannicristian at msn.com> wrote:

Dear All,
I have a problem loading an external dll using Python through Python for .NET. I have tried different methodologis following stackoverflow and similar. I will try to summarize the situation and to describe all the steps that I've done.I have a dll named for e.g. Test.NET.dll. I checked with dotPeek and I can see, clicking on it, x64 and .NET Framework v4.5. On my computer I have installed the .Net Framework 4.I have also installed Python for .NET in different ways. I think that the best one is download the .whl from this website http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#pythonnet . I have downloaded and installed: pythonnet‑2.0.0.dev1‑cp27‑none‑win_amd64.whl. I can imagine that it will works for .NET 4.0 sinceRequires the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.
Once I have installed everything, I can do these commands:
>>> import clr
>>> import System
>>> print System.Environmnet.Version
>>> print System.Environment.Version
4.0.30319.34209It seems work. Then, I have tried to load my dll typing these commands:
>>> import clr
>>> dllpath= r'C:\Program Files\API\Test.NET'
>>> clr.AddReference(dllpath)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#20>", line 1, in <module>
FileNotFoundException: Unable to find assembly 'C:\Program Files\API\Test.NET'.
   at Python.Runtime.CLRModule.AddReference(String name)I have also tried to add '.dll' at the end of the path but nothing changed. Then, I have also tried different solutions as described in:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14633695/how-to-install-python-for-net-on-windows,http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13259617/python-for-net-unable-to-find-assembly-errorhttps://github.com/geographika/PythonDotNet
and much more.... Unfortunately, it doesn't work and I get different errors. I know that exists IronPython but I was trying to avoid to use it.

Thanks for your help! 		 	   		  


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Brian Lloyd, SVP Engineering

Cloud Advisory and Development Services

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