[Python.NET] converting double array to numpy list

Mika S siddhupiddu at gmail.com
Wed Aug 20 23:45:25 CEST 2014

Thanks for replying. Here are some details that may be helpful in
understanding the problem.

I am using pythonnet to call python code from c#. This involves doing
something of this sort:

            PyObject testModule = PythonEngine.ImportModule("myModule");

            var zero = new PyFloat(0.0);
            var Lock = PythonEngine.AcquireLock();
            var f = testModule.InvokeMethod("myModule", new PyObject[1] {
zero });
            var g = (double)f[0].AsManagedObject(typeof(double));

This passed a python float with a value of 0 to the python module. Now if
my module, uses numpy arrays I need to pass at best a python list that can
be converted to a numpy array. The python list can be created using new
PyList and then assigning every double in the c# array into the pylist.
This should be inefficient I presume. So one way that I thought was to
marshal this into an unmanaged array and then pass the unmanaged array into
python. The python program can use numpy.ctypeslib.as_array on the
unmanaged array. Unfortunately, while calling python from c# I can only
pass a pyobject array while calling invokemethod - so that won't work.

In short: I want to call python code from a c# program. My python code uses
numpy arrays. I have a multidimensional array of doubles in the c#program
that I would like to pass to the python code.

Basically, the linked post already had the c# array in python using the clr
module. But in my case when I call python from c#, I do that using
InvokeMethod that would only allow me to pass an array of PyObjects. So
that's the challenge.

On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 12:23 PM, Jeffrey Bush <jeff at coderforlife.com>

> Numpy arrays are almost always created in Python and there are dozens of
> methods. That post you link to has the best solution for this case:
> import numpy as np
> dest = np.empty(len(src))
> That creates a new numpy array of the same length of src with
> undefined ("empty") values at every index. You could substitute len(src)
> for whatever length you want (or a tuple if you want something not 1D). We
> use empty since we are about to set every value to something so we don't
> care that they have undefined values at that point.
> Overall I don't understand your problem, can you be more clear? I don't
> know if you are trying to do the copy in Python or C#, I am guessing you
> are copying from C# array to a new Python NumPy array, which is exactly
> what that post did (in Python).
> Jeff
> On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 10:21 AM, Mika S <siddhupiddu at gmail.com> wrote:
>> How do I pass a double array as a numpy list from C# (calling python code
>> from c#) or passing something that can become a numpy list with minimal
>> overhead.
>> Right now, the naive way would be to create a new PyList. And to fill it
>> with elements from the double array.
>> But I read on a thread on this list (
>> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/pythondotnet/2014-May/001525.html)
>> that Marshal.copy was faster.
>> So, I tried Marshal.copy but I can't figure out how to instantiate a
>> numpy array in python. Numpy can instantiate a new array from native C
>> array by calling numpy.ctypeslib.as_array.
>> So, theoretically if i can do
>> Marshal.Copy(csharparray,0,addrofnative,csharparray.Length) and pass the
>> addrofnative (which is a IntPtr) I could be done. But I can only pass
>> PyObject when calling a module function.
>> Any ideas ?
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