[Python.NET] Loading C# DLLs from CPython

brad at fie.us brad at fie.us
Wed Mar 20 17:43:10 CET 2013

You are incorrect that it's just an interpreter.  That is one thing it can do.  But it also acts as a module.  For example, I have pythonnet and .net dlls importing into Autodesk Maya, which is a third party product that embeds it's own cPython.  It can get a little more complicated if you need multi-platform support because you need to compile it differently for .net versus mono.  But it can be used across all three major platforms.


On Mar 20, 2013, at 12:16 PM, Alex Campbell <acampbell at ltufz.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We need to access C# managed DLLs from CPython. The obvious choice is IronPython, but this is not easily possible since we can't swap out the interpreter. We saw Pythonnet, and from the description it seemed that it would provide a package for accessing C# from Python.
> Unfortunately, rather than a module, it seems to be just the interpreter (which doesn't avoid the issue of not being able to swap the interpreter out). 
> The only other solution we see is to use nPython or IronPython to make a COM interface, access this COM interface using a python library, and importing that python library into CPython.
> Does anyone see a less convoluted way of doing this? 
> Thanks,
> -Alex
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