[Python.NET] converting Pyobject to user defined type data structures

Brian Lloyd brian.d.lloyd at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 04:52:09 CET 2008

Sathish - If I understand correctly what you're asking, I think you might
to use the AsManagedObject method to retrieve the CLR object that a PyObject


PyObject ob = GetMyObject(...)

Spam s = (Spam)ob.AsManagedObject(typeof(Spam));

hope this helps,


On Jan 31, 2008 11:58 AM, Kaveripakam, Sathish <
Sathish.Kaveripakam at phonak.com> wrote:

>  Hi All,
> I am reading a PyObject from Python in C#. In C# code, I  would like to
> convert the PyObject to the user defined type. In this regard, I used the
> call:
> <usrDefinedType> x  = (usrDefinedType) Convert.ChangeType(pyObjectInstance
> ,typeof(usrDefinedType));
> The compilation went on fine, but during runtime, I got an error saying:
> "Object must implement IConvertible".
> I was wondering, is there any other way to convert the PyObjects to
> userdefined types ?
> Regards
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