[Python.NET] bridging C# and Python

Feihong Hsu hsu.feihong at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 28 17:25:33 CET 2007

Have you tried using callbacks through delegates instead? In practice I haven't had any problems doing stuff like that. For example the following works fine:
 def callback(sender, args):
     print 'You clicked on', sender.Text
 btn = Button()
 btn.Text = 'Click me!'
 btn.Click += callback
 Doing it this way means the C# code doesn't need to worry about how to find any Python modules.
 - Feihong

Matt Mackowski <matt.mackowski at slipg8.com> wrote:              Hi,
  I would like to run a python application have it call a C# application and have the two applications be able to call functions in the other application. 
  I have gotten the python to open and run the C# application and I am able to run any function from the C# app in python.  
  What I am having trouble with is calling python functions from the C# when the C# app was started by a python call.  When I run the C# alone I can call the python functions.
  Part of my problem I think is that the C# app doesn’t know where to fine the python modules.  Where do they need to be if I want to use the PythonEngine.ImportModule?
  In python my codes looks like this 
  import clr  
  import pythoncom
  from ScriptEditor import ScriptEditor
  self.app = ScriptEditor()
  from System.Windows.Forms import Application
  ScriptEditor is my C# app. 
  I can call most of the C# functions from python with the above code.  The C# functions I cannot call are ones that use python for example
          public void usingPython()
              IntPtr pyLock = PythonEngine.AcquireLock();
              PyObject pyObj =  PythonEngine.ImportModule("hello");           
              pyObj.InvokeMethod("helloCallback", new PyTuple());
  That doesn’t work. It works when I call the function in C#.
  Hello.py looks like this:
  def hello():
      return 'hello'
  def helloCallback():
        print "This is a Test and Of The python.net"
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