[Python.NET] How to use Dll-methods with [out]-arguments and no constructor for the argument-class

Pär Sundbäck par at sundback.com
Sat Aug 25 20:35:38 CEST 2007


I am using Python .Net together with PythonWin 2.5.
My task is to use a .Net assembly dll from a python testscript.

The dll is written i C# to create interfaces by refering them as [out]arguments. I am supposed to be sending a reference to a datatype/interface and then get a handle to that created interface for further processing.

The original C# method in the dll looks something like:

HResult=CreateInstance([out] ICHardware hw)

In python I receive this (ofcourse) when using the class (not instance) of the datatype as argument:

>>> hw=ICHardware
>>> ICProductFactory.CreateInstance(hw)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<interactive input>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: No method matches given arguments

My problem is that I can not create an instance of ICHardware from Python since the constructor is hidden in the dll (or not in there at all).

In C# I would do like this when using the dll:

ICHardware hw;

In Python this is not possible since I can not declare a variable without assign a value or running the constructor, or? Maybe someone knows a work-around for this. I'll be happy for all feedback.

Regards /Pär

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