[Python.NET] Showing modal .NET dialogs from Python

Jill-Connie Lorentsen j_lorentsen at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 11 09:16:05 EST 2004

  I am new to this, so please excuse me if I'm not making myself 100% clear.

  My colleague is writing a modal dialog using .NET. I want to show it from Python, but I can't figure out how. 

  I guess it'll be something like:

  import CLR
  import CLR.System.Windows.Forms as MyForm
  from MyColleaguesFile import MyColleaguesForm

  MyForm = MyColleaguesForm


  I've looked at the helloform, splitter and wordwin examples, the mailinglist archive etc, but I feel like I'm missing something. Is it even possible to do what I want to do?


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