[PythonCE] The State of Affairs

Thomas Heller theller at ctypes.org
Wed Jul 30 19:09:14 CEST 2008

Alexandre Delattre schrieb:
> I was thinking that a first step to enhance distribution of PythonCE
> apps, would be to be able to create easily .cab for them.
> .cab are installable over the air, as well by cross installing from
> desktop.
> If I met enough positive feedback, I'll start trying to implement a
> distutils extension that will allow to create .cab the python way
> (i.e. Without using directly MS tools)
> Looking forward your feedbacks, Alexandre

I'm not sure whether this will help you or not, but I remember that
I once had a ctypes-based cab file creator running.
Found it in the web archive:


BTW:  How do you install a cab on a CE device?


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