[PythonCE] PPyGui SVN & PPyGui-win32

Justin Mitchell gmane at justinmitchell.net
Mon Jul 7 22:25:56 CEST 2008

Very nice! Will this work with WM5/WM6 Smartphones? I see that the 
installer will not run, however I wonder if it can be installed manually.


alexandre.delattre at telecom-bretagne.eu wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm pleased to announce that PocketPyGui development is now kindly 
> hosted by Mirko "D at ten"; Vogt :)
> The svn repository host the latest version of PPygui as well as 3rd 
> party apps and tools not published yet.
> You can check it out by typing:
> svn co https://svn.nanl.de/svn/ppygui/
> and use "anonymous"/"anonymous" as user/password.
> Especially, the repository contain the first version of the native 
> PPygui win32 implementation,
> which allow you to test and debug your PPygui apps directly from desktop 
> Windows or with Linux through Wine.
> As PPygui for win32 reuse 90 % of the wince implementation, this gives a 
> fairly coherent and compatible environment for mobile apps development.
> It is likely your existing apps will work out of the box, as it did for 
> almost all of mine.
> The only thing really missing now is gui.Html control, but it should not 
> be to much hassle to implement it with comtypes and hopefully we can see 
> it ported in a couple of days.
> With very little effort you'll be able to make regular desktop gui 
> applications, and reuse your components between classic and mobile 
> versions of your app.
> While PocketPyGui will remain focused on mobile devices, it'll be soon 
> an alternative to create lightweight win32 applications that are easy to 
> write and distribute.
> As always, any contributions and feedbacks are welcome. Also, if you 
> want to gain developer access to svn, feel free to mail me.
> Regards,
> Alexandre

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