[PythonCE] Installation of Python packages on Windows CE

Thomas Heller theller at ctypes.org
Fri Aug 15 21:50:03 CEST 2008

How should Python packages be installed on Windows CE?

The context is that I am preparing a new release of comtypes.

I have learned so far on this list that a CAB file is a convenient way
to install software, but my question is what should this cab file create:

- as usual on Windows, a directory tree containing .py files in \Program Files\Python\Python25


- a zipfile in \Program Files\Python\Python25 which would be put on sys.path
  by a .pth file in the same directory and imported by the zipimport mechanism?

  For the zip-file, there are again several possibilities:

  - should the zipfile be compressed to save space or not?  I'm not
    sure if decompressing slows down importing or not...

  - Should the zipfile contain only .pyc files to save space, but
    then source code is not available for tracebacks, for example

  - Should the zipfile contain only .py files to save space, but
    importing would probably be slower because the modules have to
    be recompiled every time Python uses them

  - Should the zipfile contain .py files plus .pyc files?

Or are there even other possibilities?


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