[PythonCE] Bluetooth

ricercar at infinito.it ricercar at infinito.it
Tue Feb 20 12:54:18 CET 2007

Hi all,
I sent this email by mistake directly to Ruben, my apologize to him and 
all. In the meantime Ruben answered other emails and I did some further 
steps, so thinks are clearer to me.

I read with interest your posts about bluetooth. I also started looking 
into it, but started form another point: using ctypes to call directly the 
windows mobile dlls. Since I had not much time the first tries were 
unsuccessful, I will retry during the next weekend. But this process 
involve a lot of typing to convert classes and constants!
I think also your idea of creating a dll could be interisting. Can you tell 
me which development tools are you using?
I programmed in C++ for over ten years but now they are more or less four 
years that I work with other languages, so at the moment I have only the 
tools I need to build Python extensions. I don't know exactly what I need 
to build for the windows mobile.

Enrico Bortolazzi  

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