[PythonCE] alternative to os.popen in PythonCE?

mike at pcblokes.com mike at pcblokes.com
Thu Mar 10 09:59:42 CET 2005

Quoting Stewart Midwinter <stewart.midwinter at gmail.com>:

> I've got an application on my desktop that I'm tryiing to port to
> PythonCE - it's a version of rsync.   I need to run os.popen(), but
> it's not available in PythonCE.

There is a version of 'osce.py' that provides the functions you need. It was
created by 'telion' and was mentioned on the list not long ago. Either gogole
or the list archives will find it.

As python has 'OS specific' versions of several modules already, there would be
a case for moiving this into core python (IMHO).



> What are you using to run system commands and capture output from
> those commands?  Do I have any alternatives?
> cheers,
> --
> Stewart Midwinter
> stewart at midwinter.ca
> stewart.midwinter at gmail.com
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