[PythonCE] Numeric or Numarray

Warren Focke focke at slac.stanford.edu
Wed Feb 23 16:12:24 CET 2005

Yes, the "heavy lifting" for both is done in C.  Has anyone tried to
compile these for PPC?  I'd give it a shot if I had a working Windos
system. :-P

If you have a JVM, you might try jython/jnumeric.  Jython
(http://www.jython.org/) is maintined, jnumeric
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/jnumerical/) seems not to be, last update
was in 2002.

Warren Focke

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005, James Burkert wrote:

> Hey folks,
> I'm having a tough time getting either Numeric or Numarray to work on
> my PDA. I just copy the source code over, set the sys.path to include
> the appropriate \Lib and \Src folders, but I get errors like "No
> module named multiarray" I'm guessing this part of the code is
> included in the C code that comes in the source code. Anybody have any
> pointers? I basically need to do a lot of linear algebra and matrix
> mathematics types of operations pretty quickly.
> Thanks!
> James
> --
> ----------
> James Burkert
> Systems Integration and Mission Operations
> Colorado Space Grant Consortium
> My Schedule: https://webcal.colorado.edu/command.shtml?calid=burkert&view=weekview
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