[PythonCE] RE: shutil import failure

Isr Gish isrgish at fastem.com
Sat May 8 23:49:17 EDT 2004

Hi Richard.

Richard Deeley wrote: 
   >OK, The DOS console I have doesn't seem to support cut and
   >paste, so I will type it in here with as best as I can...
   >shell.py 553 in RunCode imp.load_module("__main__", file, fname, imp_params)
   >File (mine.py) line 2 in ? 
   >   from (anotherofmine.py) import *
   >File (anotherofmine.py), line 6 in ?
   >   import shutil
   >NameError: Can't find file for module shutil
   >(filename shutil.dll)
what I do see is that this is not a Import Error which is usually raised when you import a module thats not there. That seems to say that the problem is not with the actuall import but rather with some name in the imported file. The error message also seems to point to that by saying "Can't find *file* for module shutil (filename shutil.dll)"
Which seems to say that file shutil.dll is missing.
I would advise you to post this problem on the tutor list (tutor at python.org). You may need to sign up for it. Which can be done at http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/tutor

   >Version is 2.2+ (#0 Jan 20 2002, 13:30:34) [MSC 32 bit (ARM)] on Pocket PC
   >(seems a little ancient seeing as I only downloaded it fairly recently)

There is a newer version at:
Scrooldown to the header named "PocketPC Programming"
and there you will see a link named "http--debris.demon.nl-PythonCE-2.3"

   >Let me know if you need anything else on this...

All the best,

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