[PythonCE] wxPyCE

Danny Staple danny at orionrobots.co.uk
Wed Dec 29 18:32:11 CET 2004

I actually picked up the pertinent files, and added them into my 
existing python setup on my PPC (2003). It unfortunately runs out of 
memory when trying to load the associated DLL when I try and import wx 
or stuff from it. How much is it trying to pull - given that I had 
nothing but python and ppc2003 itself running?

Ron: I dont think it is anything to do with tkInter. I kept the python 
dll (not wx) in the /Program Files/Python/lib dir - and it started first 

http://orionrobots.co.uk - Innovation, Inspiration and Education.

Ron Phillips wrote:

> OK, I downloaded the file, unzipped it, copied the python folder into 
> the \Program Files directory on my Axim Pocket PC, clicked on the 
> Setup Registry shortcut, and the PocketPC said:
>  "Cannot find 'python' (or one of its components). Make sure the path 
> and filename are correct and all the required libraries are available."
> I copied the .dll into the Windows directory, no joy.
> With this distro, is it necessary to add Tkinter separately like it is 
> with the other PocketPC python distro? Or am I doing something else wrong?
> Ron

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