[PythonCE] python file association

Gil Fonea gfonea@sandisk.com
Mon, 10 Mar 2003 20:08:14 +0200

Andrew Sukirtharaj, Thank you, i'm really greatful for your answer, it
helped me a lot.
Hi All,
I have installed a PocketTweak just as Andrew guided me and overviewed the
instructions to associate a python file (from file explorer) to the python
application.See: http://www.tillanosoft.com/ce/ptweak.html
My issue is that python extension does not appear on the "Registered File
Types:"  list (see link above), so i have created and added 
a new python(.py) file type to this list. After doing so (which i'm not sure
that i did it right), i tried to tap my pyton file (called "tst.py") 
from the file explorer and a messege poped that says: "Cannot find 'tst' (or
one of its components).Make sure the path and filename are correct and all
required libraries are available"
It seems like python installation is not recognized by the PocketTweak
application for its icon. HELP.
Fonea Gil
Application Engineer
Sandisk Corp.
PS: I would be more than happy to answer any questions regarding Sandisk
expansion cards.