[PythonCAD] R: error when running pythoncad

euro_ii at libero.it euro_ii at libero.it
Sun May 31 22:31:40 CEST 2009

Hi Havar,

I'Dont know from witch version but i Know that the "as" word became a reserved word.

So the change that you make in the code is right.. we need to fixit for the new released.



----Messaggio originale---- Da: havar.novik at gmail.com Data: 21/05/2009 16.35 A: <pythoncad at python.org> Ogg: [PythonCAD] error when running pythoncad  This is the messages i get when i run gtkpycad.py:{------:~$ gtkpycad.py Traceback (most recent call last):  File "/usr/bin/gtkpycad.py", line 38, in <module>    from PythonCAD.Generic import imageio   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/PythonCAD/Generic/imageio.py", line 36, in <module>    from PythonCAD.Generic import layer  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/PythonCAD/Generic/layer.py", line 477     def setAutosplit(self, as):SyntaxError: invalid syntax}When i change the variable "as" to something different it works. This is on Arch Linux with python 2.6.2-1, and pygtk 2.14.1-4. I don't know if this is my, my system or pythoncads fault. -- Hilsen H&aring;var N&oslash;vik 

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