[PythonCAD] Expect a release this week

Art Haas ahaas at airmail.net
Mon Dec 5 18:04:16 CET 2005


As the last release was at the end of October, I'm thinking that another
release is due. While there have not been massive amounts of changes
since the last release, a number of good bug fixes have been applied,
so for people not accessing the code via subversion, an official release
would be useful. So, expect a release within a day or two. After then,
I'd like to try and tackle addressing some of the issues regarding
saving user preferences, and I'd also like to push on replacing the
GTKImage class with the ImageView/ImageWindow approach.

Man once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities
the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind.

-Thomas Jefferson to James Smith, 1822

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