[PythonCAD] Sorry for lack of updates

Art Haas ahaas at airmail.net
Fri Aug 5 18:56:06 CEST 2005


I've been doing some non-computer things over the past couple of weeks,
and consequently there haven't been as many updates to PythonCAD as I
would have liked. Also, a file-loading issue that has been brought to my
attention had pointed out a flaw in the current code that will change
numerous routines. The problem arose when a file with two points at the
same coordinates was being loaded. The first of the two points is
created and added to the drawing without problem, but things go blam
when the second point is handled. What happens is the current code
for the addObject() method and friends in the Layer class is written so
that identical entities are not added into the Layer, and furthermore
the code does not indicate that the entity was not added. The issue of
silently not adding the object is an API flaw that needs fixing. As for
the Layer not adding equivalent entities, that was a design decision
that was managable in earlier PythonCAD releases but has now outlived
its usefulness. The interactive creation of entities can be coded to
always check if an existing entity is found where a new one would be
added and either use the existing entity or not, but for non-interactive
entity creation via a user-coded script then the testing for existing
entities depends on how the code written in the script, something I
can't control. Also, the modification of existing entities in a drawing
could be performed so that entities having initially different
coordinates/endpoints end up having common coordintes/endpoints.

The entity test, btw, is probably most useful for Point entities, as
I think it is dumb to have lots of duplicated entities having the same
values. For things like lines and circular shapes, again it seems dumb
to have numerous entities with common endpoints like Segments or
Polylines, or Circles/Arcs having identical center points and radius

In two weeks I will again be away from my computer for a while, but
between now and then I hope to have made many of the changes I think
will be needed to handle fixing the file load issues as well as the
initial impact these changes will produce.

Man once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities
the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind.

-Thomas Jefferson to James Smith, 1822

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