[python-win32] Question win32com.client.Dispatch

Mateo Gomez Montoya mmontoya at inge-concreto.com
Tue Jul 11 13:19:49 EDT 2023


I'm trying to use the command of
win32com.client.Dispatch("AutoCAD.Application") and on the computer that
I'm working with there are two versions of AutoCAD one from 2007 and
another from 2021. I want to use a program that I created with the most
recent version but when I run my code it automatically opens up
AutoCAD2007. How can I create a dispatch that will run the most recent
version of AutoCAD no matter the  computer?

P.S I don't want to uninstall the 2007 version since it runs some of my
older programs.

Thank you
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