[python-win32] Trouble finding MSOLAP provider with adodbapi

savoy savoy at liberation.red
Tue Dec 6 13:08:42 EST 2022

I'm trying to use python to connect to a Microsoft Analysis Services
cube for MDX queries due to the phasing out of a SQL server that used to
fill its place as the access point.

I've downloaded the most up-to-date MSOLAP library from Microsoft's site
( and installed it. The location of the library is then saved
as C:\\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Analysis Services\AS

Using the connection string I've told is the correct to use (and also
verifying it by using it in Microsoft Excel) with adodbapi.connect(),
I get an OperationalError exception in python. Below is the text which
also includes the obfuscated connection string.

(com_error(-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0, 'ADODB.Connection',
'Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.',
'C:\\WINDOWS\\HELP\\AD027.CHM', 1240655, -2146824582), None), 'Error
opening connection to "Provider=MSOLAP.8;Integrated
Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;Initial
Catalog=bi_mdp_SEMANTIC_live_db;Data Source=subdomain.domain.com;MDX
Compatibility=1;Safety Options=2;MDX Missing Member Mode=Error;Update
Isolation Level=2"').

Is there something that I'm missing in order for the connection to work?
I take it that as I can get it working in Excel there isn't anything
wrong with the installation, am I correct in that assumption? And if so,
is there a piece I've left out?

Thank you,

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