[python-win32] pywin32 Documentation

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Mon Dec 5 21:26:55 EST 2022

Hi Brian,
   Thanks for your interest. I probably should have written more about 
this earlier. From my POV, the main considerations I have are:

1) Much of the documentation is inside the c++ source formatted via 
"autoduck" style comments. I really don't want to abandon this 
documentation, but I don't think it's helpful in a sphinx-based world?

2) There's no where near as much docs embedded in the .py code, which is 
something that we can address. However, some work has started on 
https://github.com/mhammond/pywin32/issues/1913, which hopes to add type 
annotations - see also yesterday's mail to this list on this topic. 
While I'm not quite sure exactly what approach is being suggested for 
that, it seems possible it will have at least *some* overlap here?

3) Working out a good layout in the repo for docs is also important, but 
I don't forsee any real obstacles here - as you mention, a TOC etc are 
important. .rst seems like a perfectly reasonable format for 
hand-written docs, and given there aren't really that many hand-written 
docs in the tree which remain relevant, hand-converting them to largely 
unformatted markdown seems reasonable in the first instance. There's 
always going to be a bit of tension between keeping the docs organized 
and trying to keep the docs fairly close to the implementation they are 
documenting, but we can manage that.

4) I'd want to kill the existing tooling entirely as it's just going 
stale. Eg, the way https://mhammond.github.io/pywin32/ is built is 
interesting (it decompiles the .chm!) but that seems like a dead-end - I 
suspect that at some point it will end up extremely difficult to build 
that .chm in the first place - finding the Windows HTML Help compiler 
today is difficult enough.

So really, the big unknowns for me that need answering are:

* How exactly do the autoduck comments get handled as they change?

* How does adding docs to the .py files overlap with adding type hints?

* Does it replace the existing system rather than adding yet more 
complexity to it?

I'll look a little more at your repo over the next week or so, but I'm 
currently a bit short on time, but really am interested in improving the 
docs, so thanks!


On 6/12/2022 12:56 pm, Brian Johnson wrote:
> Hi.
> I took a stab at upgrading and "untangling" the documentation. I am 
> willing to work on this documentation "untangling" project. Before I put 
> more effort into it, I would like to get feedback from Mark and other 
> contributors on what I'm proposing. If so, I'll log an Issue and/or pull 
> request.
> *Motivation*: I need to work with a COM server application and want to 
> use python. I found it challenging to find documentation and examples. 
> Also, Mark mentioned this in the repo README: /"Lots of that is very 
> old, but some is auto-generated and current. Would love help untangling 
> the docs!"/
> *Where*: The current iteration is hosted on my forked repo at Python for 
> Windows Extensions — pywin32 305 documentation (brian3johnson.github.io) 
> <https://brian3johnson.github.io/pywin32/index.html>. If this effort 
> moves forward, I'll pull it down once it's built and posted from 
> mhammond's repo.
> *How*: I am building the documentation with sphinx Welcome — Sphinx 
> documentation (sphinx-doc.org) 
> <https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/> to update the narrative docs and 
> automate or semi-automate the pywin32 API reference. I am using the 
> default theme. I'm using reStructuredText (.rst) for the docs.
> *What*: I included all the existing narrative documentation from the 
> CHM. Most of it remains unformatted, except for a couple of docs. I 
> added a Home page, Installation, Support, and Resources pages, and the 
> start of a Getting Started Tutorial.
> *Proposed Next Steps*:
> 1. Confirm if I move forward with sphinx. If so, confirm if we use 
> reStructuredText (reStructuredText — Sphinx documentation 
> (sphinx-doc.org) 
> <https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/index.html>) or Markdown (Markdown — Sphinx documentation (sphinx-doc.org) <https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/markdown.html>) for narrative documents.
> 2. Finish formatting the existing narrative docs per rst or md.
> 3. Add docstrings to .py source files to generate API docs.
> 4. Convert some of the "samples" embedded in the source files to "How-tos".
> I have more ideas and suggestions, which I can share in an Issue, PR, or 
> on this mailing list.
> I look forward to hearing what you think.
> Sincerely,
> Brian
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