[python-win32] Clipboard Documentation

gw1500 i_was_yah00ed at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 30 10:04:29 EST 2021

Hi Tim,

Thanks for the reply. I read about that but was hoping to use pywin32. I 
can see now the folly of that decision.

I have a working minimal test but am looking for something a bit more 
automated. I bring my app window to the top using pywin32 and a line I 
need is already highlighted. I can ctrl-c from the keyboard and 
pyperclip works just fine. However, since the line is already 
highlighted is there a way to get it without user interaction (ctrl-c)?

On 11/29/2021 6:52 PM, Tim Roberts wrote:
> Dennis Putnam wrote:
>> I'm using pywin32 and it is my understanding it can also be used for 
>> copying text from an app to the clipboard. I have been able to find 
>> scant documentation for that. Can someone send me a link to some 
>> definitive documentation? TIA.
> The easy way is to use the well-respected `pyperclip` module. You can 
> install it with pip.  The Win32 clipboard APIs are a pain to work 
> with, and of course don't work at all on other systems.
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