[python-win32] Debugging python with something like VS code, when working with flask web framework

jacob kruger jacob at blindza.co.za
Thu Aug 19 05:34:43 EDT 2021

Side note - switching over to django instead of flask, and, debugging 
stopping on breakpoints inside VS code seems to work a bit better, but, 
along the lines of that, figured out that what might work a bit better 
from my perspective is using python's own breakpoint() function call to 
invoke [pdb] in the output console, where I can then type in querying 
code, etc., before then typing in continue and hitting enter to let code 
resume execution, and, if launching execution from within VS code, then 
I use ctrl + F5, to launch the process without it's own debugging 
initiated, etc.

Jacob Kruger
+2782 413 4791
Skype: BlindZA
"Resistance is futile...but, acceptance is versatile..."
"...resistance is futile...but, acceptance is versatile..."
On 2021-08-13 08:41 AM, jacob kruger wrote:
> Hi there
> I am specifically trying to sort out debugging code and processes when 
> working with the flask web development framework, while working with 
> VS code insiders.
> Now, following things like the following steps, but, specifically 
> using an external terminal, I can get it to pause on breakpoints, etc. 
> when executing normal code, but, when trying to run it against the 
> flask module process, it seems to just execute the code and not manage 
> to attach to the execution processes, etc.?
> Python and flask tutorial in VS code:
> https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/tutorial-flask 
> <https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/tutorial-flask>
> Or, the more generic debugging implementation tutorial:
> Getting started tutorial for python and VS code:
> https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/python-tutorial#_configure-and-run-the-debugger 
> <https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/python-tutorial#_configure-and-run-the-debugger> 
> This is working on a windows 10 64 bit pro machine, and, just want to 
> know if anyone has suggestions with regards to implementing debugging 
> when working with web development frameworks like flask, pyramid, etc.?
> Jacob Kruger
> +2782 413 4791
> Skype: BlindZA
> "Resistance is futile...but, acceptance is versatile..."
> "...resistance is futile...but, acceptance is versatile..."
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