[python-win32] Server Exectuion Failed

Bob Fang bobfang1992 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 15:32:10 EST 2020


I have an application which utilise win32com to control a software
(powerworld if you know what it is). Once I have dispatched a new object I
can see in task manager there is a new process created which is running and
I can call command through the win32com object -- this is what I want to do
and suits me well but I noticed two things:

1. The process I created seems to be persistent and will not die even if I
explicitly deleted my object using `del` in Python. Is there a way to fully
close the process after I am done with my object?

2. There seems to be a maximum number of instance I can create of this app
and after I have reached this number I will get this following error, the
only way to get rid of this error is to restart my Windows machine. I am
just wondering if there is any config I need to change to allow unlimited
number of instances? I think it is also worth mentioning that I run
multiple objects at concurrently with an actor mode library (pykka) and on
each separate thread I call coInitailise, but I am not calling
coUninitialse at this moment. Might this be the cause of the problem here?

pywintypes.com_error: (-2146959355, 'Server execution failed', None, None)

Thanks a lot.

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