[python-win32] Pythonwin.exe - trouble on the starting line

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 18:16:55 EDT 2020

Try running the command listed in README.md under the "Installing via 
PIP" section.


On 21/07/2020 9:37 am, ejohnso9 at earthlink.net wrote:
> I wanted to look into using Pythonwin to see how difficult it would be to build GUIs using MFC.
> I'm having problem in two different places:
> 1) On remote work machine, I found the path to pythonwin.exe and can launch that.
>     Under the help menu there, it looks like the "Python Manuals" manual works as expected.
>     The other option "PythonWin Reference" seemed like the place to start.
>     Unfortunately, that simply displays an error dialog: "The help file is not registered!"
>     I don't know where that file would be or how to get it registered.
> So, I figured maybe something wasn't quite right with that installation.
> 2) On my local machine, I simply used pip (v 20.1.1) to install pywin32. That seemed to install without error.
> I found Pythonwin.exe under
>     ...\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.8_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python38\site-packages\pythonwin\
> But things seem even worse off here.
> When I try to execute Pythonwin.exe, I get an error dialog stating:
>      "The application can not locate win32ui.pyd (or Python) (126). The specified module could not be found."
> But win32.ui.pyd exists in that same directory with Pythonwin.exe?
> I see the home page for the project here: https://github.com/mhammond/pywin32
> The Wiki seems to be empty.
> I'm not really seeing links to documentation - am I missing those?
> I'm interested in finding introductory tutorials about how to create GUIs under the win32 environment.
> This is not going smoothly. :(
> Can someone help me:
>      * sort out the complaint about Help file not registered on my remote machine?
>      * get a proper installation on my local machine so I can run Pythonwin.exe without error (preferably with working menu item as above)
>      * point me to general tutorials about how to build GUI using win32 wrapper to MFC?
> Thanks,
> Erik Johnson
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