[python-win32] Job: Need help in getting events working with cx_Freeze

Thomas Pietrowski thopiekar at gmail.com
Sun May 12 17:38:56 EDT 2019

Dear PyWin32 mailing members!

I need help in getting a fully working COM server working with a slicing
software called Ultimaker Cura[1
<https://ultimaker.com/en/products/ultimaker-cura-software>], which uses
cx_Freeze[2 <https://anthony-tuininga.github.io/cx_Freeze/>].
Took my time to write a job proposal
<https://thopiekar.eu/other/job-pywin32-cxfreeze-and-events/> the last
weeks and tried to make it clear on my website[3
<http://thopiekar.eu/other/job-pywin32-cxfreeze-and-events/>] what I need.
All the info should be there to get an overview of this task, but feel free
to ask me any questions you have! That would help to answer last questions
in the proposal.

Of course, I dropped also a gratuity on this task, so there is some
motivation for you to solve the issue.

Just to summarize: The main goal is to make Ultimaker Cura a COM server
with PyWin32. That is already partly working since I can access variables
and functions with my so-called "Interface plugin"[4
<https://thopiekar.eu:5443/cura-cad-integration/CuraInterfacePlugin>], but
I can't exchange any events right now.
Ultimaker Cura uses PyQt5 and therefore Qt's signal system already. What I
need is a working concept, so we are able to get events on changes in
Ultimaker Cura (COM server) sent from emitted Qt signals.
Finally, I will try to create an event proxy, which should mirror all Qt
signals to COM events. But to make this step I need you before!

Any feedback from you is highly appreciated!
If you are interested in working in it, please write a separate email
regarding this.

Thank you all for your attention!
- Thomas Karl Pietrowski (aka thopiekar)

Website: http://thopiekar.eu

[1] - https://ultimaker.com/en/products/ultimaker-cura-software
[2] - https://anthony-tuininga.github.io/cx_Freeze/
[3] - http://thopiekar.eu/other/job-pywin32-cxfreeze-and-events/
[4] - https://thopiekar.eu:5443/cura-cad-integration/CuraInterfacePlugin
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